Apr 191 min"The Imposter" show (2024-Present)Summary This is Sam, he sometimes feels like a fraud. He is a Theatre Practitioner and Magician, but when a Magician performs a magic...
Oct 17, 20222 min"Magician Reveals Secrets: The Deception Behind Fake News" show (2022-2023) First performed at The Arden School of Theatre, the solo contemporary performance was selected and programmed into The Arden School of...
Jun 2, 20221 min"Khloe Kardashian" play with Sleepwalk Collective (2017)Performed at The Arden School of Theatre, this was a final year production. The playbook was published in 2020 by Salamander Street....
Jun 2, 20221 min"Adam - The History of Man", a comedy play (2019)As a Dramaturge I worked with Delaney Productions and The Greater Manchester Fringe Festival. The play was written by Chris Delaney....
Jun 2, 20221 min"An Audience with a Magician" workshop (2021-2024) Context: As an emerging Theatre Practitioner and Magician I have created an imaginative one-hour workshop, in collaboration with Greater...